Human Development Center


Teacher helps student with school work.

Lunch + Learn: Prompting

Have you ever had that feeling of being on the edge of understanding something new but just needing a little push to totally get it?  Or, the feeling like when you're trying to remember something important and it's on the tip of your tongue, but you need just one little hint to bring it to mind? Prompting can make all the difference—it’s a guide that nudges us in the right direction, giving us just the right amount of assistance at just the right time to keep us from becoming overwhelmed or stuck. 

Posted 3/21/2025 by Jolie Robichaux


Two high school students in conversation while one holds a scripting support.

Lunch + Learn: Scripting

Are you interested in learning more about facilitating meaningful communication with your students? This webinar explores scripting, an evidence-based practice that provides support in the form of words and/or pictures for an individual to model appropriate communication.

Posted 2/18/2025 by Jolie Robichaux


Three note cards that read: I agree with you. Hi. When i need help i can.

Say it with Pictures: Scripting Visuals

For many students with autism, social interactions and verbal communication can be challenging. Scripting visuals—structured visual supports that outline conversations or routines—can help students navigate these interactions with confidence.
Posted 2/17/2025 by Jolie Robichaux


Teachers hold up supports they made for the classroom.

Partner with LASARD!

Partner with the Human Development Center's LASARD Project for the 2025-26 school year! Get to know HDC's Education, Transition, and Community services with LASARD Director Ali Kowitz.
Posted 2/12/2025 by Jolie Robichaux


Happy Valentines Day with social script that has images depciting "Will you be my valentine?"

Valentine's Day Script

Valentine’s Day can be a fun and exciting celebration for students, but for some children with disabilities, social interactions and traditions like exchanging valentines may feel overwhelming. Educators and families can help by providing structured supports, including social scripts that guide students through common interactions.
Posted 2/11/2025 by Jolie Robichaux


Clipboard showing data with image of high school classroom.

Data Collection

In this Lunch + Learn, we learn how to track students' progress to make data-driven decisions that support their achievement. 


Posted 2/7/2025 by Jolie Robichaux


Social Narrative explaining personal space with illustrations depicting each sentence.

Social Narratives

In this Lunch + Learn, we will explore what social narratives are, how to develop one, how to implement them, and how to evaluate if they are achieving the desired outcome.
Posted 12/18/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


December 2024 calendar with school buses on school days monday-friday, "Day-Off" written on the weekend and christmas break, a christmas tree on christmas day, and fireworks on New Years Eve.

Priming in December

Calendars are a great visual tool to prepare us for upcoming events and changes. Visit this page to download your own December calendar for the winter holidays!
Posted 12/2/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


November 2024 calendar with school buses on school days monday-friday, "Day-Off" written on the weekend and thanksgiving break, and a turkey on Thanksgiving day.


November 2024 calendar with school buses on school days monday-friday, "Day-Off" written on the weekend and thanksgiving break, and a turkey on Thanksgiving day.

Thanksgiving Priming

Calendars are a great visual tool to prepare us for upcoming events and changes. Visit this page to download your own November calendar for Thanksgiving break!
Posted 11/18/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


A cookie, golden token, soccer ball, and smiley face.

Lunch 'n Learn: Reinforcements

How do we grow student engagement, teach new skills, replace interfering behaviors and increase desired behaviors using one simple, evidence-based approach? Join us for our 3rd Lunch & Learn of the 2024-25 school year, where we will strengthen our understanding of reinforcement and consider its power to affect remarkable change in all students.
Posted 10/17/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


middle school students including a student with Down syndrome smile outside of school building.

Investing in Potential: Presumed Competence

October is Down Syndrome Acceptance Month, ADHD Awareness Month, and National Disability Employment Awareness Month. What is the biggest tool we can use to address and celebrate all of these topics? Presumed Competence! Presuming competence means that you believe that ALL of the students you teach are capable of learning and deepening their understanding. 
Posted 10/07/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


Antecedent Based Interventions with Chris Champagne

Halloween Supports

Are you ready for some SPOOKTACULAR resources? Follow along this month as we share different Halloween visuals that can be used to prepare the learner for all the fun festivities at school and home!
Posted 10/01/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


Antecedent Based Interventions with Chris Champagne

Lunch 'n Learn: Antecedent Based Interventions

Would you like to learn evidence-based ways to create an environment that encourages positive/desired behavior, promotes engagement, and reduces interfering behaviors? Using antecedent-based interventions (ABls) can do just that. 
Join our Lunch + Learn Webinar to learn simple ways to transform your environment into a positive and predictable space for learning.
Posted 09/20/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


Boy working on schoolwork at home sits with his head in his hand, eyes closed, while holding his eyeglasses.

Back to School Support

Hey families, our resources this month are for you! We know getting back into the routine of school and homework can be challenging. Our LASARD facilitators collected several strategies that can be helpful to everyone!
Posted 09/3/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


Lunch n Learn Visual Supports with Tracy O'Donnell

Lunch + Learn: Visual Supports

Need visual support ideas to start off your school year as a super support for your students? In this Lunch + Learn, LASARD Facilitator Tracy O’Donnell, M.Ed. will share 30 visual supports in 30 minutes, including visual support ideas for all learners in all grades K-12! 
Posted 08/14/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


Birdseye view of hurricane.

Hurricane Resources

Louisiana’s hurricane season is underway. Hurricanes can be challenging for individuals to navigate, and we want to help! Here are resources to guide your loved one through a hurricane.  
Posted 08/06/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


Yellow school bus drives from house to classroom.

Back to School Checklist

Transitioning back to school can be a challenging time for students and families. We compiled our favorite transition resources to help your learners adjust to the new school year. Follow this checklist and your student will find their rhythm in no time.
Posted 07/31/2024 by Jolie Robichaux


2023-2024 Lunch n Learn Schedul

Lunch + Learn 2023-24 Collection

Welcome to LASARD’s free Lunch + Learn webinar series! Each month, our expert LASARD facilitators or guests will discuss topics like social skills, visual supports, self-regulation tips, communication strategies, and more! These webinars are for educators, families, and anyone else interested.
Lunch + Learns happen on the second Friday of each month from 12:00-12:30pm.