Back to School Transition Checklist

Transitioning back to school can be a challenging time for students and families. We compiled our favorite transition resources to help your learners adjust to the new school year. Follow this checklist and your student will find their rhythm in no time.
Download our printable Back-to-School Transition Checklist here.
#1 Monthly Calendar
Use a blank monthly calendar to prepare your child for the beginning of the school year. This calendar is a great tool to show the change in schedule and help the child anticipate those changes ahead of time.
Cross off the days on the calendar each evening and talk about what to expect the next day.
#2 Change Alert
A Change Alert visual can be used to reflect any changes in the daily schedule or individual routine. This is a priming strategy that will help the individual learn how to be flexible and accept change.
To show your child the change in school staff for the upcoming school year, visit the school’s website to access staff pictures. Be sure to review this support with your child before the first day of school. Being prepared helps soothe anxiety!

#3 Meet and Greet
Request a meet and greet with your child’s new teacher(s) and related service providers. Request a copy of your child’s new schedule and the classroom rules to start reviewing at home.
Take pictures! You can use these pictures to talk about what to expect on the first day of school.
#4 Transition Item
Ask your child’s teacher if they can bring a transition item on the first day of school. Transition items provide a sense of comfort and security during stressful situations.
Transition items may include: Pictures of family members, doll, action figures, stuffed animals, fidgets, drawings.
#5 All About Me
An All About Me worksheet is a great way to share personal information about the individual. It helps the student introduce themselves to the teacher and share what makes them special and unique.
The student can individually fill in each section of the worksheet, or the parents can complete the worksheet from their child’s perspective.
The LASARD team is made up of experienced educators that mentor and support hundreds of educators across Louisiana to meet the unique needs of their diverse learners by implementing specialized supports. LASARD’s trainings are paired with with in-person, job-embedded coaching to ensure the use of evidence-based practices.
LASARD is a project of the Human Development Center (HDC) at LSU Health New Orleans. HDC is Louisiana’s University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. HDC and its programs build the capacity of professionals, service providers, and families to ensure that people with disabilities are able to participate fully in all aspects of community life.