Human Development Center

Data Collection

January 2025 Lunch 'n Learn: Data Collection


Data Collection With Tara Lark, M.Ed., LPC-S

Tracking students' progress to make data-driven decisions that support their achievement. 


About LASARD Lunch + Learns

Welcome to LASARD’s free Lunch + Learn webinar series! Each month, our expert LASARD facilitators or guests will discuss topics like social skills, visual supports, self-regulation tips, communication strategies, and more! These webinars are for educators, families, and anyone else interested.

Lunch + Learns happen on the second Friday of each month from 12:00-12:30pm.

Data Collection


Why should educators take and evaluate data?

It helps educators be as effective as possible. By regularly reviewing data and adjusting instruction accordingly, educators can ensure they're doing everything possible to support students in meeting their goals.

Data collection also helps educators stay accountable for IEP goals and strive to make progress. 





Data Collection Strategies

Data Collection Strategy  Description
Permanent Product Tangible outcomes
Accuracy Skill correct or incorrect - no specific time limit
Duration How long a behavior lasts
Frequency  Count the number of times a skill/behavior occurs (tally)
Latency How long it takes for a student to begin a behavior after the instruction or prompt.



Data Collection Strategies: Skill Example

Data Collection Strategy  Skill
Permanent Product Writing name
Accuracy Letter identification
Duration How long a student sustains an interaction
Frequency  Number of initaitions wiht peers
Latency Length of time it takes for a student to respond to a social bid from a peer


February Lunch + Learn

Topic: Scripting 
Date: Friday, February 14, 2025 from 12:00-12:30pm
Host: LASARD Facilitator
Madeline Estes, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA

Registration link to come! 



The LASARD team is made up of experienced educators that mentor and support hundreds of educators across Louisiana to meet the unique needs of their diverse learners by implementing specialized supports. LASARD’s trainings are paired with with in-person, job-embedded coaching to ensure the use of evidence-based practices.

Learn more about LASARD


LASARD is a project of the Human Development Center

LASARD is a project of the Human Development Center (HDC) at LSU Health New Orleans. HDC is Louisiana’s University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. HDC and its programs build the capacity of professionals, service providers, and families to ensure that people with disabilities are able to participate fully in all aspects of community life.

Learn more about HDC