Human Development Center

Building Capacity, Inspiring Change

Welcome to HDC

Louisiana's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)

The Human Development Center (HDC) at LSU Health New Orleans provides leadership and innovation in interdisciplinary education, community service, research, and information dissemination to strengthen and increase the capacity of local communities to support and include individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in all aspects of community life. 


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The Human Development Center building on Tulane Ave.


How can we help you?

The Human Development Center serves as a resource to people with disabilities, families, service providers, educators, and policy-makers.
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5 colorful rings overlapping. Images inside each ring include a person in a wheelchair, two parents holding their adult daughter, an early childhood teacher with two babies, a politician speaking at a podium, and a crowd of people.

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Can You Hear Us Now? PAYCheck students featured in Health Research Study

The Ohio State University Nisonger Center partnered with HDC's PAYCheck program to produce recruitment videos for  "Can You Hear Us Now?," a health research project designed to amplify the voices of adults with intellectual disabilities. 

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HDC's Dr. Krista James provides FASD training to DCFS staff and foster families

Coming to Lafayette on March 12th and 13th!

This training will provide in-depth discussion of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) including the factors affecting accurate prevalence rates, effects of prenatal exposure on the brain, and signs and the signs and symptoms of FASD along with the primary and secondary disabilities caused by FASD.

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HDC's Team Member of the Month: Diane Polk

"Diane Polk is one of the great teachers we have in our Early Learning Center. She is kind and nurturing with children and has developed positive relationships with families. In addition to great customer service, she brings a positive outlook and cooperation to the educational team in ELC. Diane continues her professional growth having recently completed her associate's degree and interrater reliability in child assessment.  We appreciate Diane's dependability as a team member and commitment to excellence as a teacher." - Kisha Petty, ELC Director

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Early Childhood News