Human Development Center

Building Capacity, Inspiring Change

Welcome to HDC

Louisiana's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)

The Human Development Center (HDC) at LSU Health New Orleans provides leadership and innovation in interdisciplinary education, community service, research, and information dissemination to strengthen and increase the capacity of local communities to support and include individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in all aspects of community life. 


Learn more about UCEDDs


The Human Development Center building on Tulane Ave.


How can we help you?

The Human Development Center serves as a resource to people with disabilities, families, service providers, educators, and policy-makers.
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Our Services and Programs




HDC partners with LSU Health nursing students to bring baby wellness screenings to Early Head Start programs

The Human Development Center’s Early Head Start Child Care Partnership collaborates with the LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing to offer nursing students clinical opportunities in early childhood well-child settings.  

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Help us build an FASD network in Louisiana

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual exposed to alcohol in the womb.

We need your help to start an FASD United chapter in Louisiana! By joining us, you will help:

  • Create an advisory board consisting of individuals with FASD, their families, and professionals
  • Raise awareness of FASD
  • Lead engagement and events in the state
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5:30 pm - 8:00 pmGolden Age Center at Lakeshore Playground 1125 Rosa Avenue Metairire
This disco invites adults (18+) with brain/spinal cord injury , mobility impairments, and sensory sensitives. It's free, but registration is required. Email with name and number attending.