Human Development Center

Human Development Center

HDC Initiatives for Educators

Teacher works with student who has Down syndrome

Welcome to the Human Development Center! We help educators support students with disabilities in the classroom and connect educators with programs that help students transition into life after high school. 

For help in early childhood:

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Inclusive Practices in early Childhood

Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood (IPEC) trains and coaches early childhood teachers to support young children with disabilities in early childhood programs. 

visit ipec

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Early head start child care partnership

The early head Start Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP) supports early learning centers in the New Orleans area to better include children with disabilities.

visit early head start



For help in K-12 schools:

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The Louisiana Autism and Related Disabilities (LASARD) project provides one-on-one coaching or professional development for teachers and administrators. LASARD Helps teachers find supports for students with disabilities.

visit lasard

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The Louisiana DeafBlind Project for Children and Youth (LADBP) helps young people with vision and hearing loss and their teachers. 

visit ladbp



For help with transition or Postsecondary services:

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PAY Check

The Postsecondary Apprenticeship for Youth (PAY Check) program helps young people aged 15-22 get work experience, take college courses, and find a job.

visit pay check


For help with social security benefits and work:

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The West South Central Work Incentives Planning Assistance (WSC WIPA) can help individuals with disabilities keep their benefits while they work.

visit wsc wipa



For interest in advocacy and leadership:

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Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) is a nine-month training program. LEND trains professionals and graduate students in education or healthcare to prioritize the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other Neurodevelopmental disabilities. LEND also helps self-advocates and family members become effective advocates and community leaders. 

visit lend