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HDC Initiatives for Graduate Students

Five adolescents standing in line in front of a line of windows in a public space

Welcome to the Human Development Center! We offer interdisciplinary training programs to graduate students in healthcare, allied health, education, and other areas related to neurodevelopmental disabilities.

HDC has two interdisciplinary programs:

People standing in triangular formation with the front one speaking


Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) is a 300+ hour training program. LEND trains graduate students, self-advocates, family members, and professionals in healthcare or education to prioritize the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. The LEND program contains bi-weekly seminars, clinical and community experiences, policy and advocacy meetings, and paid travel to the national AUCD Conference.

Visit LEND
Hands holding up figure in wheelchair

Interprofessional Preparation Program

The Interprofessional Preparation Program () is a scholarship program that prepares graduate students of allied health professions and special education for future work with children with disabilities.

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