Do you know a child with vision and hearing loss?

We can help!
The Louisiana DeafBlind Project (LADBP) supports children and youth ages 0-22 who have varying degrees of vision and hearing loss, known as DeafBlindness.
Children who are DeafBlind benefit from specialized support to build communication skills, access learning, navigate their environment, and thrive.
Request support for your school
Educators, administrators, or other support staff can request services below.
LADBP Services
LADBP offers support tailored to the needs of each individual.
Services are confidential and provided at no cost.
Family Support and Training
Professional Development
Classroom Visit and Consultation
DeafBlind Intervener Training
Transition Planning
Referrals for Hearing and Vision Testing
Who We Serve
Who is eligible?
Any child or youth ages 0-22 living in Louisiana who has both vision and hearing loss, known as DeafBlindness. Children can also qualify with a diagnosed progressive loss or with visual or auditory processing issues.
Who can request services?
Any family member, educator, or service provider can request services.
The student can receive services regardless of their special education classification.