Human Development Center

Early Learning Center

ELC Enrollment Process

When an opening becomes available, applicants will be contacted by phone and email.  Applicants have two business days to respond to an offer of admission.   If an applicant chooses to accept an opening, the LSUHSC-HDC ELC will send a letter confirming enrollment which includes the child's anticipated start date and family orientation date. The admissions letter will indicate the due date of the $175.00 non-refundable registration fee plus the first month's tuition.

If full payment of the registration fee and first month's tuition is not received by the due date indicated on the letter, a member of the ELC administrative team will attempt to contact the family by phone and e-mail. If the payment is not received within two working days after the due date, the space will be offered to the next family on the waiting list and the child will be placed at the end of the waiting list. Repeated unsuccessful attempts to make contact with the family will result in the child's name being permanently deleted from the waiting list. If a family is offered a space for enrollment within the ELC and the space is declined, the ELC will provide written notification and/or e-mail confirming that the child was removed from the waiting list.

If a position opens at ELC, a personalized link to the Enrollment Packet will be e-mailed to the parent next in the waitlist on the rolling basis of one week on a first-come, first-served basis. If you cannot find the link, or you wish that your position be held for longer than one week, please contact and CC the e-mail to Stuart Simon at


The Enrollment Packet includes the following forms. Please ensure all the Enrollment Packet forms on this checklist are completed and signed where indicated. Optional forms have a checkbox to deny permission if desired, but must be signed and dated as well.  Please note enrollment is not complete until ALL form, fees, and documents have been completed, signed and received by the ELC office.

  • Family Registration Form (attach child photo)
  • Medical History/Authorization for Consent to Treatment of Minors
  • Enrollment Agreement
  • Emergency Plan
  • Medication Administration Policy
  • Consent to Photograph
  • Parental Authorization for Medication (optional)
  • Permission to Apply Topical Ointments, Sunscreen (optional)
  • Permission for Water Play (optional)

Also please include copies of the following documents:

  • Parent(s) driver's license or LA identification
  • Current Immunization Record


ELC Enrollment Priority 

Children six weeks to 36 months of age are eligible to enroll (child must be under 36 months on or before September 30th).  Enrollment priority is determined by the following criteria:

  1. Children of other LSUHSC departments and units
  2. Children with identified/documented *disabilities and/or special health care needs


*LSUHSC-HDC ELC is an inclusive early care and education program.  The mission of the Human Development Center and ELC includes providing learning and teaching opportunities for students and faculty of the LSUHSC while providing high-quality early care and education for children/families.  In order to ensure that students and faculty have sufficient opportunities to observe and participate in a program that provides early care and education to young children with significant support needs we seek to include 20-25% of children with significant support needs. To achieve this ratio, the ELC administration reserves the right to recruit and enroll children with significant support needs from non-LSUHSC employee families, as necessary.

ELC Family Handbook