Human Development Center

HDC News

The Will to Overcome Poster


The WILL to Overcome: The Will Johnson Story

"This poster will summarize how I, an individual with an Intellectual Disability, am actively pursuing my dreams. With the support of my family and state agencies (i.e. LRS and PAYCheck), I learned skills that helped me become independent and hold a full-time job. As I share my story, I will guide participants along the stops I have made in my post-secondary journey." - Will Johnson



Watch Will share his postsecondary transition story

Will Johnson guides you through his AUCD poster in his own words. Watch it below!


About the PAYCheck program

The Postsecondary Apprenticeships for Youth (PAYCheck) is an innovative collaboration between the LSUHSC Human Development Center, public school systems, Louisiana Rehabilitation Service, Human Service Districts, and employers. 

PAYCheck is a 3-semester program for high school students that includes courses at a postsecondary institution, professional career development, and paid apprenticeships. Students complete the program when hired in a long-term job.

About Will Johnson

Will Johnson is an Administrative Coordinator at the Human Development Center. His personal goals include learning and striving to be the best. Will is a person with a learning disability. He doesn’t allow his disability to stop him from achieving his dreams, and he takes pride in being an inspiration. Will is currently working to become a Certified Business Office ManagerCBOM)™. He lives by the motto: “Be the best you can be always.”

Will is a member of Louisiana People First Louisiana, a self-advocacy group run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities. 

Will is active in the Louisiana Council’s Advocacy Network (LaCAN), which advocates for policies and systems that support inclusion every where people learn, work, live, and play. LaCAN advocates for service systems that support children and adults with disabilities to live in their own homes and be fully-included and participating members of their local schools and communities LaCAN provides information and support to individuals wishing to effectively advocate for systems change in the areas of home and community-based services, education, and employment. 

Will currently serves on the Youth Engagement Transition Initiative (YETI). YETI is a national advisory group composed of young adults with disabilities committed to sharing their lived experiences and providing guidance to develop resources and tools for Youth Engagement Now (YEN).

YETI is supported by the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative’s (NTACT:C) to ensure that youth perspectives are foundational to the technical assistance provided across the nation. 

About HDC

The Human Development Center (HDC) at LSU Health New Orleans is Louisiana’s University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. HDC and its programs build the capacity of professionals, service providers, and families to ensure that people with disabilities are able to participate fully in all aspects of community life. 

Learn more about HDC