Student-Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE)
If you are receiving SSI benefits and you are under age 22, and regularly attending school, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will not count up to $2,290 of earned income (wages) per month while attending school and working. The maximum yearly exclusion is $9.230. These amounts are for the year 2024; they will be adjusted for future years based on the cost-of-living. SSA's definition of "regularly attending school" is:
- You take one or more courses of study and attend classes;
- In a college or university for at least 8 hours a week; or
- In grades 7-12 for at least 12 hours a week; or
- In a training course to prepare for employment for at least 12 hours a week (15 hours a week if the course involves shop practice), or
- For less time indicated above for reasons beyond the student's control, such as ill- ness. Note: if you are home schooled because of a disability, you may be considered regularly attending school by:
- Studying a course or courses given by a school (grades 7-12), college, university or government agency; or
- Having a home visitor or tutor who directs the study.
SSA applies the student earned income exclusion before the general income exclusion or the earned income exclusion.
For a complete explanation, view the Red Book section of SSA Online or contact your local Benefits Planner by calling 1-866-YOURTICKET (1-866-968-7842).
This website was developed at U.S. taxpayer expense.