Human Development Center

West South Central Workforce Planning and Assistance

WSC WIPA Resources

Applying for SSI Benefits

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has released a new online tool to assist applicants in applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. This process triggers a call from an SSA employee to schedule an appointment with SSA to apply for benefits. It establishes a protective filing date which is used to determine when an individual can begin receiving benefits. More information can be found on the SSA website here .


SSI Factsheets

To promote work incentive counseling services, below are some factsheets developed expressly for SSI Beneficiaries by the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) - National Training and Data Center (NRDC) . This center provides comprehensive training and technical assistance to Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) projects, the Ticket to Work Help Line, and community partners to ensure accurate and timely support for beneficiaries on the road to employment and financial independence. NOTE: All these links are external to HDC and will open in a new browser tab.



This website was developed at U.S. taxpayer expense.