Human Development Center

Louisiana DeafBlind Project

Louisiana DeafBlind Project for Children and Youth

Does your child or student have a vision loss and a hearing loss?

We can help!

Mother connecting with her DeafBlind son.


Deafblindness affects more than 10,000 children between birth and 21 years of age in the United States. Deafblindness has over 70 known causes, including Usher's syndrome, CHARGE syndrome, meningitis, and rubella. Appropriate education must address both the hearing and vision impairment, as well as any other disabilities that may be present.


The Louisiana DeafBlind Project for Children and Youth can provide:

  • Information on Deafblindness including effective strategies to support children and youth with hearing and vision loss
  • Family Support
  • Webinars
  • Training
  • Technical assistance

Services are confidential and are provided at no cost to school districts, families, or service providers

Young man uses Braille display. Who is eligible?

Children living in Louisiana, birth through 21 years of age, with varying degrees of hearing and vision losses that are present at the same time. The combined affects of these losses, even if both are mild, create unique challenges for each child.

Who can request services?

 Any parent, family member, or service/care provider of a child with both vision and hearing losses. In order to receive technical assistance the child must be placed on the Louisiana DeafBlind Registry.