Human Development Center

Interprofessional Preparation for Related Services Personnel

LSU Health New Orleans' Interprofessional Preparation for Related Services Personnel Serving Children With Disabilities Who Have High Intensity Needs

Asian teacher giving mixed race child daps

Are you a graduate student in the Allied Health Professions and hope to work with children with disabilities in your future profession? Get acquainted with this unique environment by participating in the Interprofessional Preparation Program.

Click here to express interest

Now recruiting students for the 2023-2024 cohort!!!

IPP applications for entry during Summer 2023 are due April 11, 2023. Applications for entry during Fall 2023 are due June 19, 2023.

Apply Here

About the program

The LSU Health New Orleans' Interprofessional Preparation for Related Services Personnel Serving Children With Disabilities Who Have High Intensity Needs, shortened to Interprofessional Preparation Program (IPP), is a scholarship program training related services personnel in interprofessional evaluation and management of school-age children with disabilities presenting with high-intensity needs.

Graduate students in various disciplines often clinically engage with special education populations. However, application in school environments requires knowledge, skill, and adaptations for the education landscape. IPP introduces graduate students to these interventions today so they are prepared for future work in school settings.

Related Services Personnel are professionals who are not teachers that provide direct services to students in school environments. Related services disciplines include:

  • Speech-language pathology
  • Audiology services
  • Interpreting services
  • Psychological services
  • Applied behavioral analysis
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Recreation, including therapeutic recreation
  • Social work services
  • Counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling
  • Orientation and mobility services

Child and parent in front of school busProgram Details

IPP is a 12-month program. Graduate students initially focus on child health and healthcare, child development (birth-21 years), disability across the lifespan, as well as, laws, rules, and regulations regarding disability. 

The second phase of the program integrates these topics into community-based settings and the scholars' respective disciplines through observations and engagement in real-life environments. The program culminates by a four-day intensive experience in a special education program within a school environment. 



Who is eligible for the program?

  • Graduate students with unrestricted admission to graduate training program in a related services profession
  • Matriculation simultaneous with professional discipline

What is required?

  • Completion of online shared course of study
  • Attendance and participation in bi-weekly seminars
  • Attendance and participation in bi-monthly coordinated field experiences
  • Submission of conference presentation proposal to an approved regional or national professional conference

Participation Support

  • Full tuition for three-semesters of graduate work
  • Books and materials for Project coursework
  • Travel reimbursement for attendance and presentation at approved regional or national professional conference
  • Cash stipend each semester

Service Obligation

This project is made possible by the Personnel Development Program, authorized by IDEA, a Federal program aimed at increasing the supply of qualified personnel in the field of special education. This program awards competitive grants to institutions of higher education to support scholars who are preparing to provide special education and related services to children and youth with disabilities. Scholars who receive funding agree to work with students receiving special education or related services for two (2) years for each year of support they receive.

Contact Us

Interprofessional Preparation Program
LSUHSC Human Development Center
Michael C. Norman, Ph.D.
Project Director

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