Human Development Center

HDC News


FASD is Neurodviersity

FASD is Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity recognizes that neurological differences, like those seen in individuals with FASD, are natural variations of the human brain. By viewing FASD through the lens of neurodiversity, we can foster a more inclusive society that values and supports people with different neurological makeups. This perspective encourages acceptance, understanding, and the development of tailored support systems that respect the unique strengths and challenges of those with FASD.


FASD and Neurodiveristy 101 Webinar

Want to learn more about FASD and neurodiversity? We have the 101 on neurodiversity and supports that can be used in school, at home, and in the community. In this free 30-minute webinar, Dr. Krista James will help you:

  • Understand the brain differences in FASD and the impacts to learning and health.
  • Explore practices in the field to support prevention, policy, awareness, and family support. 
  • Understand best practices and supports for the home, school, and community environments.



Help us build an FASD network in Louisiana


Join the Human Development Center at LSU Health New Orleans to support individuals affected by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), their families, and the professionals that serve them. We aim to address PAE prevention, education, intervention, and advocacy while reducing stigma.

We need your help to build Louisiana's FASD United chapter. By joining us, you will help:

  • Create an advisory board consisting of individuals with FASD, their families, and professionals
  • Raise awareness of FASD
  • Lead engagement and events in the state

Join our Louisiana FASD United Chapter