Virtual Presentation with Lily Slavin: Doctoral Student at CMU with the CHARGE Syndrome Research Lab

Thursday, November 18, 2021, 1:30-3:00 PM CST
Hosted by the South Carolina, Kentucky, and Florida DeafBlind projects
Lily Slavin is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the school psychology PhD program at Central Michigan University. She has worked as a member of the CHARGE Syndrome Research Lab with Tim Hartshorne since 2016. Her research focuses on educational needs and supports for students with CHARGE. She has presented her research to several DeafBlind projects and at CHARGE conferences in Germany, Norway, Australia, Florida, Texas, New York, and Cincinnati. Lily is currently completing her pre-doctoral internship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute.
This presentation will provide an overview of the educational experiences of students with CHARGE, including common special education eligibilities, programming, and services received. This presentation will discuss the 5 main domains of educational impact of CHARGE: medical, sensory, communication, developmental, and behavioral. This presentation will provide an overview of the Educational Checklist, a published tool used to aid in meeting the needs of students with CHARGE at school.
About the Statewide Deaf-Blind Project (South Carolina)
The Statewide Deaf-Blind Project helps meet the unique needs of children and young adults who have combined vision and hearing losses. By offering support from birth to age 21, the project can improve early intervention, special education, and transition services.
About the Kentucky Deaf-Blind Project
The Kentucky Deaf-Blind Project provides statewide technical assistance and training to persons who have a combination of vision and hearing challenges. Services are offered to persons free of charge from birth to 22 years of age, and also to their families and service providers.
About the Florida and Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative
The Florida and Virgin Islands (FAVI) Deaf-Blind Collaborative team are five professionals who combine our backgrounds of education and experience to develop trainings and resources that benefit Florida’s children, young adults, families, and educational teams affected by deaf-blindness.
We also work together to develop individualized, child-centered solutions that address the strengths and needs of children and young adults with deaf-blindness throughout the state.
About CHARGE Syndrome
CHARGE syndrome is a recognizable genetic syndrome with known pattern of features. It is an extremely complex syndrome, involving extensive medical and physical difficulties that differ from child to child. CHARGE syndrome is correlated with genetic mutation to CHD7 and the prevalence of CHARGE syndrome is 1:10,000-1:15,000 live births.