Sydney Imhoff Kukulka
E-mail: simhof@lsuhsc.edu
Sydney is currently a third-year Doctor of Audiology student and is extremely honored to be a part of a group dedicated to gaining new perspectives, providing support, and advocating for and alongside individuals with disabilities. Outside of LEND, she is an officer of the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) and performs newborn hearing screenings at local hospitals. Although her experience working with individuals with disabilities has predominantly come from a clinical setting, she is eager to educate herself and others about the goals, resources, and experiences of individuals with disabilities in a more organic and collaborative environment.
Her goal for the LEND program is to gain new perspectives and wisdom from her fellow scholars, whether through clinical discipline or through personal experience, as well as advance her understanding of the legal systems at play. She is confident that LEND will help her improve her ability to provide equitable healthcare services, her confidence in public speaking, and develop skills to not only be an advocate and ally, but also help build others up to do the same. Sydney is grateful for the opportunity to learn from the experiences of her fellow scholars, the policy awareness gained in the program, and the community LEND has provided her, both professionally and relationally.