U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee Defends Support System

people doing swim race

The 26-year-old DeafBlind swimmer and six-time Paralympic medalist Becca Meyers withdrew from Team USA on Tuesday because she was denied the opportunity to bring a personal care assistant with her to Tokyo during the pandemic. The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic committee said that Meyers was restricted from bringing her mother with her by the Japanese government and Tokyo 2020 organizing committee.

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HDC’s West South Central Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WSC WIPA) Project

The Social Security Administration (SSA) awarded the Human Development Center (HDC) another five-year grant to operate a Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project. This new grant expands HDC’s service area to include 33 Louisiana parishes and 21 Texas counties, which are colored purple in the map below.

Map of 21 Texas counties and 33 Louisiana parishes served by WSC WIPA.
The purple counties/parishes indicate WSC WIPA’s service area.
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Competitive, Integrated Employment Funding and Flexibilities Fact Sheet

A new fact sheet, “Recent Funding Opportunities to Expand Access to Competitive, Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities,” from the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) highlights new funding and flexibilities for increasing access to Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) for youth and adults with disabilities. These new funding opportunities and flexibilities are provided under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES), American Rescue Plan Act (ARP), Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) and Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 (FCAA), as well as through the work of multiple federal agencies.

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Louisiana LEND in the news: 2020 LEND graduate Sara Lass leads initiative to support infant development

Sara Lass uses toy monkey to play with baby in Children’s Hospital Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.

The capstone project for 2020 LEND graduate, Sara Lass, BSN, RN, is featured in Children Hospital New Orleans’ Nursing Annual Report. Lass addresses developmental delays in patients at Children’s Hospital Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) through her project “Supporting Infant Development in the CICU After Congenital Heart Repair: A Nursing-Led Initiative.”

“Development is delayed in most patients due to their hospitalization,” said Lass, who recognized a limited use of supportive modalities and equipment for care in these infants. “All high risk patients are referred to the early developmental intervention program Early Steps upon discharge. However, it was noted that valuable opportunities necessary to address development in the ICU and cardiac step-down setting were not being utilized.”

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F2FC 7 Registration Open

F2FC Relationships Community

From Carol Darrah, M.S., Georgia Sensory Assistance Project:

Family 2 Family Communities (F2FC) phase 7 registration is now open!  F2FC brings together families of individuals with deaf-blindness to connect, share information and resources, and offer support to one another.  Groups meet in Zoom once per month during Sept to May.  There are 10 groups available for English-speaking families and one for Spanish-speaking families.  We also have a group just for grandparents and other extended family members.  I have attached various file formats of all flyers here and also posted them in Basecamp.

We also have a new, public-facing F2FC Facebook page, and I’m hoping that will be an easy way to spread to spread the word about F2FC.  Flyers are also posted there.  

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LADBP Celebrates DeafBlind Awareness Week

The Louisiana DeafBlind Project for Children and Youth (LADBP) is featured in Helen Keller National Center’s 2021 DeafBlind Awareness video campaign.

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LADDC-Sponsored First Responder Disability Awareness Training in Louisiana by Niagara University

man people woman business

The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Planning Council is sponsoring a virtual Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training for Louisiana on four dates:

  • Tuesday, August 10
  • Tuesday, August 31
  • Tuesday, September 21
  • Thursday, September 23

There are separate topics for morning and afternoon sessions. You are encouraged to attend both sessions and must register for each session. The training is offered by the Niagara University First Responder Disability Awareness Training Program Coordinator David Dodge and there is no cost. Registration links and more information are in the attached flyer.

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St. Bernard Parish Evacuation Plan Exercise Needs People with Disabilities

first aid and surival kits

St. Bernard Parish is exercising their ability to evacuate the parish in case of disaster.  It is important to the St. Bernard Office of Emergency Preparedness Director, John Rahaim, that they know that they can respond to everyone including people with disabilities.  Director Rahaim is asking that people with disabilities help by showing up for the disaster plan exercise on June 30, 2021 at 8 AM.  The exercise will take place at the Grand Ballroom, 3220 Jean Lafitte Parkway, Chalmette, LA.

Director Rahim also welcomes people who can speak other languages, including American Sign Language.   EMDAC thanks St. Bernard for their desire to serve the entire community, and we hope that people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs can attend and help St. Bernard to BE PREPARED for disasters!

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Help make our Web site more accessible!

Girl using computer and signing

The Human Development Center has so much to offer, but is our website easy to navigate? Let us know by taking our Web Satisfaction Survey.

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Visit our Web site: www.hdc.lsuhsc.edu
  2. Tell us what you think: Take the Survey

Thank you so much for participating!!!

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Be a part of the new way to Relay

A Hamilton Relay digital desktop phone that offers Real-Time Text

From Hamilton Relay:

Louisiana Relay is excited to announce the launch of our desktop Real-Time Text Trial. We are looking for testers in Louisiana who meet the following criteria:

  • Deaf or combined Deaf and Low Vision
  • Have high-speed internet
  • Willing to complete online surveys sharing your experience
  • Willing to use the device for 90 days

This trial will test first-of-its-kind technology that brings Real-Time Text (RTT) capabilities to a digital desktop phone. RTT phones may be a replacement for TTY machines and an enhancement to Video Relay Service. RTT allows both parties to communicate with both voice and text at the same time which allows for a smoother, more real-time experience. 

We value feedback from the community, and it would be a great impact if you or someone you know tested this innovative phone!

What is Relay Service:

Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) connects individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking with family, friends and businesses over the phone. With specialized telephone equipment, individuals can communicate with standard telephone users through the use of specially trained Communication Assistants who facilitate the calls.

About the Louisiana Deafblind Project

Does your child or student have vision and/or hearing loss? We can help! The Louisiana Deaf Blind Project can provide:

  • Information on deafblindness including effective strategies to support children and youth with hearing and vision loss
  • Family Support
  • Webinars
  • Training
  • Technical assistance

Services are confidential and are provided at no cost to school districts, families, or service providers.