What is a screen reader, and why are they important?

White person's hand using a computer with blue faint screen equipped with JAWS screen reader

From Marissa Sapega on the blog of TPGi:

There are about 12 million people living with a vision impairment in the United States alone. Worldwide, there were approximately 250 million people who have difficulty seeing in 2015, 36 million of whom are entirely blind. Today, that number has only grown.

You may know someone with a visual disability—perhaps you have one yourself. But did you know how such individuals access the internet? They use assistive technology called a “screen reader,” which speaks aloud the text on a digital screen using a speech synthesizer.

About TPGi

TPGi (Previously known as The Paciello Group) is an accessibility solutions provider that supports all phases of accessibility through best-in-class management software and professional services.

DBIYN Virtual Meeting

Three women: redhead covering ears; brunette covering mouth; blonde covering eyes

Deafblind International Youth Network (DbIYN)
Virtual Forum Event
January 19, 2022, 9 AM CST
Agenda to include New Membership, “Friends in Touch,” Conferences, and Publications
An opportunity to find out information about the network and plans for 2022-2023.
To register attendance, discuss access support, and obtain the Zoom link, please contact the youth network coordinator simon.allison@sense.org.uk.

Open to DeafBlind young people and professionals.

About Deafblind International

We are an international not-for-profit membership organization focused on the needs of individuals who are deafblind, their families and the professionals who provide services. We have a constitution and are managed by a volunteer Board from around the globe.

We are focused on bringing together individuals and organizations to share information such that they can develop and provide quality services in the regions of the world from which they come.

LaCAN and FHF NOLA November Events


LaCAN, the grassroots arm of the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council, and Families Helping Families NOLA, which is closely involved with LaCAN, are hosting two virtual Thanksgiving- and advocacy-related events in the upcoming week.

Tuesday, November 23, 7 PM
LaCAN’s Thanksgiving Cornucopia
Topics include: Advocacy, Legislation, Webinars and Events, Making Connections
Click to Register for LaCAN’s Thanksgiving Cornucopia

Wednesday, November 24, 7 PM
FHF NOLA Parent Support Group
Click here to register for FHF NOLA Parent Support Group
FHF NOLA Parent Support Group Event Facebook Page

HKNC South Central Newsletter

DeafBlind in Maryland

The November edition of the newsletter from the South Central chapter of the Helen Keller National Center for the DeafBlind is below.

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Perspectives: Risk

Perspectives is a blog inspiring change through different perspectives brought to you by our Constituent Advisory Committee (CAC), HDC staff, and local community. Our current theme is risk. If you have a perspective on risk as it relates to disability, email your idea to jrob44@lsuhsc.edu.

“A Daring Adventure” by Jamie Duplechine

What is security to you? What makes you feel safe? Webster’s dictionary defines security as “freedom from risk.” Does it make you wonder if we are ever truly secure? I mean, really, are we ever free from risk?  I say, a life with no risk, is no life at all.

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Children with Disabilities

Hand holding syringe from Pexels Free Photos, credit Karolina Grabowska

Wednesday, November 17, 6 PM CST

Do you have questions about how getting vaccinated will help or hurt your child with autism or other disabilities? Join this presentation by Dr. Lisa Shulman, who is Interim Director of the Rose F. Kennedy Children’s Evaluation and Research Center (RFK-CERC, New York State’s UCEDD) and a Specialist in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. This presentation is sponsored by the VAXFactsDDNY team at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in the Bronx, New York City.

Disclaimer: HDC’s mission is to provide timely information and not advocate for or against COVID-19 vaccines for children with disabilities.

Virtual Presentation with Lily Slavin: Doctoral Student at CMU with the CHARGE Syndrome Research Lab

Find a Place: Two 3-5-Year Old Girls with CHARGE Syndrome Wearing Pink Pajamas

Thursday, November 18, 2021, 1:30-3:00 PM CST
Hosted by the South Carolina, Kentucky, and Florida DeafBlind projects

Lily Slavin is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the school psychology PhD program at Central Michigan University. She has worked as a member of the CHARGE Syndrome Research Lab with Tim Hartshorne since 2016. Her research focuses on educational needs and supports for students with CHARGE. She has presented her research to several DeafBlind projects and at CHARGE conferences in Germany, Norway, Australia, Florida, Texas, New York, and Cincinnati. Lily is currently completing her pre-doctoral internship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute.

This presentation will provide an overview of the educational experiences of students with CHARGE, including common special education eligibilities, programming, and services received. This presentation will discuss the 5 main domains of educational impact of CHARGE: medical, sensory, communication, developmental, and behavioral. This presentation will provide an overview of the Educational Checklist, a published tool used to aid in meeting the needs of students with CHARGE at school.

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Disability Rights Louisiana Seeking Job Applicants

Disability Rights Louisiana Logo

HDC’s statewide partner in disability advocacy, Disability Rights Louisiana (DRLA, formerly the Advocacy Center), is looking to hire two positions. One is an Investigative Advocate for representative payees of individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) from Social Security. The other is for a Client Advocate to represent individuals who seek to maintain employment through DRLA’s Client Assistance Program. Job descriptions are below. In order to apply, please send a résumé with your cover letter to DRLA’s Human Resources Manager, Janine Walterhouse: hr@disabilityrightsla.org. Include the title of the job you are applying for in the subject line.

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Louisiana LEND’s Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Liz Gary to present on “Advocacy 101” at the Equal Pay Summit

Scales of justice

From the Office of the Governor, Office on Women’s Policy:

Please join us for a virtual Equal Pay Summit on November 16!

The gender wage gap has many causes and many possible solutions. This full-day Summit will explore the data and trends and look at opportunities to reduce the gap through individual action, employer action, and the passage of state, local and national policies.
Attend the full day or just the sessions that make the most sense for you!

WHAT: Virtual Equal Pay Summit

Hosted by the Governor’s Office on Women’s Policy in partnership with the Office of First Lady Donna Edwards and LSU Women’s Center

WHEN: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 9:00 to 3:30 p.m.

Read more on Liz Gary’s advocacy in her HDC Spotlight: HDC Spotlight on Liz Gary

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