Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Survey Begins for Flooded Homeowners Seeking Rebuilding Assistance
The Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program survey opened to all homeowners affected by the March and August 2016 floods. This marks the beginning of the homeowner assistance program through which the state will help flooded homeowners with rebuilding assistance and some reimbursement, once the federal government makes the funds Congress has appropriated to Louisiana available to the state to spend.
The initial survey will be available for all flood-impacted homeowners to take on the restore.la.gov website beginning at 7 a.m. Monday, April 10. This will be the first step for all homeowners who want to apply for recovery assistance. Homeowners can also choose to fill out the survey using a phone number that will be posted on restore.la.gov tomorrow morning. (Please note that this number – 1-866-735-2001 – will be activated beginning 7 a.m. Monday, April 10.) The survey will be available for a period of time. It does not have to be completed on the opening date, and eligibility is not determined on a first-come-first-serve basis.