LEND 2018-19 Applications Now Available!
We are delighted to inform you that applications are now OPEN for graduate students, family members of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD), self-advocates with ASD and other NDD, and practicing professionals to apply for LA Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) training program. The LA LEND is a one-year 300+ hours interdisciplinary training program that incorporates both classroom teaching and learning by experience. It encourages people from many backgrounds to learn to work together. This is a leadership program that prepares future leaders to support and work with children with disabilities (with a focus on autism) and their families.
For the application, please see attached. EXTENDED Due Date: Completed applications are due by April 13, 2018. If you have any additional questions about the LA LEND, you may contact Brittney Wright Peters, Training Coordinator, at bwrig1@lsuhsc.edu