LADDC-Sponsored First Responder Disability Awareness Training in Louisiana by Niagara University

The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Planning Council is sponsoring a virtual Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training for Louisiana on four dates:
- Tuesday, August 10
- Tuesday, August 31
- Tuesday, September 21
- Thursday, September 23
There are separate topics for morning and afternoon sessions. You are encouraged to attend both sessions and must register for each session. The training is offered by the Niagara University First Responder Disability Awareness Training Program Coordinator David Dodge and there is no cost. Registration links and more information are in the attached flyer.
Morning Sessions: 9 AM–Noon Central Time
Sessions address planning and preparedness specific to persons with disabilities and access and functional needs. This includes the role they play, understanding personal and organizational preparedness, effective advocacy that includes roles and responsibilities, learning from lawsuits, advance planning, and tools and resources.
Afternoon Sessions: 1 PM–4:30 PM Central Time
Afternoon Sessions: Addresses content emergency managers and others with positions that have a responsibility in emergency response need to know. This includes defining the whole community, how to establish a core advisory group, the Americans with Disabilities Act and utilization of it as an ally, media interface, General Effective Communication, Sheltering, Transportation, Personal Care Assistance, and supports and services within the state and abroad.
If you are in need of accommodations such as ASL Interpreter or Closed Caption, email Please share with your networks.
About the Presenter (David Dodge)
Dave is a FEMA-trained Access and Functional Needs presenter, works directly with FEMA ODIC,
and was in attendance at the White House for the historic MOU signing between FEMA and the National Disability
Rights Network, and chaired the New York State Independent Living Council emergency preparedness committee,
among other notable roles. He has been active in all aspects of disability services and advocacy since 1986.