Helen Keller National Center: Peer Learning Groups
Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) is pleased to announce the following peer collaborative virtual learning opportunities offered through ZOOM video conferencing. These support groups and/or active discussions are designed to cover a variety of topics with input from the participants at no cost. Group classes will start the week of April 20, 2020. Come join former HKNC students in an ongoing dialogue to share perspectives, experiences, and to support each other during this challenging time. Classes will be 4-8 weeks long depending on the group, to strengthen your knowledge and skills. For more information: https://www.helenkeller.org/hknc/peer-learning-groups
Participants are welcome to join by phone or video. The ZOOM link and call-in number will be provided when you register with Laura Benge, HKNC Regional Representative.
You can email Laura at Laura.Benge@hknc.org with the subject line: “Virtual Classes”. Alternatively, you may call her at:
Voice: (801) 518-9401
VP: (385) 355-8392