HDC Spotlight: Ray Leger, BA, CWIC
Because October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), this spotlight has a special focus on employment. Visit the NDEAM homepage to learn how you can help build an inclusive workforce.
Donald “Ray” Leger has worked as a Certified Work Incentives Counselor (CWIC) for the Human Development Center’s Work Incentives Planning and Assistance project (funded by the Social Security Administration) since 2006. Ray is passionate about being of service to others and has loved every minute of his role helping people understand how work affects their benefits. Today, he is Project Manager of the West South Central Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WSC WIPA) program.

In this role, Ray provides in-depth benefits counseling to Social Security beneficiaries and recipients with disabilities so they can make informed decisions about working. From his 15 plus years working as a CWIC, Ray has learned that employment is more than a paycheck. Earning a living for oneself enhances one’s self-worth, agency and independence while providing a path to self-sufficiency and opportunities for participation in all aspects of community life.
We should do away with the term ‘disability’ in the workforce because we all have abilities for employment. We can achieve equality in employment through accommodations and empathy.
Donald “Ray” Leger, BA, CWIC
However, these opportunities are only possible when employers hire job seekers with disabilities. Ray calls on employers in our community to build the capacity of our local workforce by thinking outside the box when hiring workers. With the right placement and supports, employers find individuals with disabilities are generally great employees dedicated to their work. In fact, Ray feels we should do away with the term “disability” in the workforce. He states, “We all have abilities for employment. We can achieve equality in employment through accommodations and empathy.” Lastly, Ray reminds us all not to think of October as the only month that people with disabilities are seeking employment. Their potential is immeasurable year-round!
The West South Central Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WSC WIPA) is one of two SSA funded Work Incentive Planning and Assistance grants awarded to organizations in Louisiana.
Each October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), an initiative of the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). The theme for NDEAM 2021, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,” reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.