Expanding MTSS/RtI and Ensuring Results: Follow-up
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In partnership with Data-Based Conferences, the Human Development Center hosted its third annual institute on Response to Intervention/Multi-tiered Systems of Support (RtI/MTSS) on April 27 and 28. This year’s conference included previous topic strands of RtI/MTSS development and implementation, leadership, behavior support for students, and literacy while adding topic strands for mathematics and autism spectrum disorder. HDC welcomed over 200 participants from several states and US territories including Guam for this year’s conference. Feedback from conference attendees was overwhelmingly positive and we are already planning for next year’s conference. Conference information can be found at http://dbcconferences.net/ and handouts and resources from individual sessions from the conference can be accessed at http://www.markshinn.org/resources-downloads.html.