October is recognized as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by the U.S. Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). NDEAM celebrates the contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. ODEP has chosen “Advancing Access and Equity” as this year’s theme for NDEAM.
Families Helping Families of Greater New Orleans is offering free educational webinars for youth, parents & professionals scheduled for all Thursdays in September at 12:00-1:00 PM.
An ABLE account is a tax-free savings account that lets people with disabilities manage their money without impacting Medicaid and Social Security Income (SSI). April is National Financial Capability Month! You can follow this link to find out more about ABLE accounts from the ABLE National Resource Center (ABLE NRC). ABLE NCR’s latest AchievABLE newsletter lists upcoming webinars and resources including an overview of all U.S. ABLE programs sorted by state here: https://www.businessinsider.com/…/able-accounts-by-state.
If you are thinking about finding a job through a job vendor or employment support agency, we have a list of questions to help you find the best vendor that fits your unique needs!
HDC’s Employment First Trainings teach Louisiana employment vendors the Universal Employment Competencies through a 40-hour core training. Upon completion, employment support professionals have fulfilled the initial training requirements to provide employment services and supports in Louisiana.
We spoke with Employment First’s Laura Stazio, MS, CESP and Sue Killam, M.Ed., CWIC, CESP to learn more about the trainings. Read on to hear what they had to say!
The next Employment First Training is coming up March 28-30, 2023 via Zoom. If you’re interested in taking the course, please register here.
Do you have plans to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) this October? HDC’s PAY Check program can help you celebrate this national event! We are keen to partner with local organizations and businesses to show your network that workers with disabilities can be loyal and dedicated assets to any team.
Come meet dozens of employers ready to hire at the virtual disABILITY Inclusion Job Fair on Wednesday, October 12th 9 AM – 12 PM, hosted by the Louisiana Workforce Commission and Healthy Blue. Job Seekers can scan the QR Code below or click here to register.
Scan QR Code to Register for LRS Job Fair October 12, 2022
Looking to hire? Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) is recruiting employers for a virtual disABILITY Inclusion Job Fair on Wednesday, October 12th 9 AM – 12 PM. The Job Fair will be hosted by the Louisiana Workforce Commission and Healthy Blue. Interested employers please contact Brenda Bohrer at email bbohrer@lwc.la.gov or phone (225) 219-2982. Registration for job seekers will be announced shortly.
A federal joint communication “Resource Leveraging & Service Coordination to Increase Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities” was issued by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy along with seven other federal agencies. This communication encourages state and local partners to proactively implement resource blending, braiding and sequencing across systems to improve Competitive Integrated Employment outcomes for youth and adults with disabilities.
Employment and Community Living, Supported Employment | Permalink | Comments Off on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities with Blending, Braiding and Sequencing | Posted August 19, 2022 by Laura Stazio