Tiffany Richard heashot

Tiffany Richard

I’m an autistic person that’s currently a board member for the Autism Society of Acadiana. I am also a member of The Autism Self Advocacy Network. Besides that, I also try to keep up with several online disability groups, so that I can receive input from other perspectives.
My goal for the LEND training program is to gain a new perspective from my fellow scholars and teachers, I want to improve my skills as a self-advocate, and learn how to get involved with policymaking.
My objective is to improve the quality of life for autistic adults by pushing for more resources. Autistic adults have a high unemployment rate and a higher risk of mental health problems. In recent years, research is actually showing that adults on the autism spectrum have a higher suicide rate. I want to advocate for resources to help autistic adults to gain employment or housing. I also want to advocate for mental health resources.