LaDDC Suspends Meetings and Activities

Yesterday the Executive Committee met and decided to suspend all Council meetings and in-person activities until further notice.  Due to the ever changing status of the situation there is not a definitive end date to this suspension.  A decision to resume in-person activities will be made based on guidance and direction of CDC and the Governor’s COVID-19 Task Force. 

Specifically, the Council will not hold its April Council meeting nor standing Committee meetings in April (i.e., Act 378 Committee, Education and Employment Committee, Self-determination and Community Inclusion Committee).  Additionally, all Ad Hoc Committee meetings are suspended until further notice, including Executive Director Search Committee, FY21 Planning Ad Hoc Committee, Membership Committee, and the Grievance Ad Hoc Committee. 

If you would like to share the message of the Council status here is the link to the Council’s LaDDC News – Council Suspends Meetings and In-Person Activities